the miscalculations of lighting girl

Lucy Callahan was struck by lighting 4 years ago . she does not remember it,but it changed her life forever. the zap gave her genius -level math skills, and ever since, Lucy has been homeschooled . now, at 12 years old she is technically ready for college. Lucy,s grandma wants her to pass one more test - middle school! Lucy must: go to middle school for 1 year. Make 1 friend.join one activity.And read one book (that is not a math textbook 1).Lucy,s not sure what someone who does calculus homework for fun can possibly learn in 7th grade. she has everything she needs at home, where nobody can make fun of her rigid routine or her super powered brain. the equation of Lucy,s life has already been solved ... unless there has been a miscalculation?


this book was great

i love this book i could not put it down

this book is awesome, 5 star!

i read 4 hours past my bedtime it is so good !