Riding freedom


Once there was a little girl named Charlotte, Of course she lived with her parents. every day she and her parents had fun until one day. Charlotte and her parents were riding horses through a storm.. Soon a bolt of lightning scared the horses. soon, they didn't know where they were going. And guess what they fell off a cliff! Charlotte got thrown off the horses and into a lake of grass. Sadly her parents and the horses died. now she lives in a orfange. In the Orfange, there were lots of boys Are the boys mean or not mean? read to find out

A note to parents

this book is a great because it can teach kids about loving who you are and being free.Kids will love this wonderful tale about a girl that really loves horses!It's also teaches kids about following your dreams like how Charlotte followed hers.Note only that your kids will love this book you will too.

notes about the book ridding freedom

In the book ridding freedom charlotte is a yong girl that is in a orphanage and she loves to ride horses and she wants to get adopted but she a girl so they do not want to adopt her her parents died and her friend hayward got adopted so now there is just mean boys bossing charlotte around at the orphanage and the cook is very mean and uses her like a slave. and her parents died and at the begining freedom dies and there are many sad parts in the book ridding freedom.


"Amazing!" said Anna Daivis form Spain

"Best book ever!" said Alex Aoll form New York

"I've read it so many times I know it all by heart" said Emma Foster

"Every year I read it to my class" said Mrs.Barry

"I think it earned a blue stem award!" said Ben Andy form New Mexico