Reviews and quotes.

These are 10-11 year old kids are saying these things.

"I think the boxcar children was the best!"said a kid in Mexico'

"The boxcar children had me on the edge of my seat!" -A third grader in Washington D.C

"The boxcar children was my Favorite book of all time well if you don't include hardy boys"from Atlanta

"I think the boxcar children was awesome!"A kid in Ireland said

"The boxcar children was the greatest!"A kid in Croatia said

"I think boxcar children was my favorite of all time"A kid in France said!

"Same!"A kid in the U.S said

"Yeah but it was better than any book i ever read!"A kid in Hawaii said

"This will be my favorite for forever!"said a kid from Dunnegal

"I love this more than anyone!"said a kid from Canada

"it will be my favorite for longer than you think!"said a kid from Dublin

"This book someone recommended to me and i loved it!"Said a kid from Brazil.

"It will be my favorite for a long time!"A kid in Greece said

"THIS WAS THE BEST!"said someone from Kilkenny,Ireland


" What a good place this is"said violet

"oh no Benny"said Henry

"I wonder if it's a bear"thought Henry

"poor dog"said Jessie

"Good dog"said Jessie

"I can help you"said Jessie

" this won't hurt"said Jessie