Welcome to Year 4

Miss Lee and Miss Turnbull 

May - Coronation

Wow! Well everyone looked amazing in red, white and blue with some incredible crowns!

4L's Coronation pebbles

4T's Coronation pebbles

April - French

   In French this term we learnt how to say days of the week and the weather.  At the end of the unit we presented weather forecasts to the class.  Do you like our silly glasses and funny pointers?  They help to give us confidence when we are speaking French in front of the class!

Year 4 had great fun dressing up for World Book Day!

Also we enjoyed taking part in the 'Guess who came to tea' (book character edition

March 2023

In Design and Technology, we have designed our own Shadufs.  A shaduf (or a shadoof) is an irrigation tool.  It is highly efficient, and has been known of since 3000 BCE.  This tool is used to lift water from a water source onto land or into another waterway or basin.  It was especially used in Egypt to collect water from the River Nile.

At first, we investigated possible options for a working shaduf and then we created planned and created our own prototypes using paper straws.

Finally, we measures our wood and then used saws carefully to cut them to the desired length and then attached them together.  We were all really happy with our designs.


Year 4 all had a fantastic day, on Wednesday, dressing up and learning more about the Ancient Egyptians.  We played a game called Hounds and Jackals which was a little bit like snakes and ladders.  We also  took part in a funeral prossession and learnt all about the process of mummification.


On the 18th January, the whole took part in a maths enrichment day.  Our task was to create a bridge that could hold as much weight as possible and to think carefully about creating a strong structure.  We could only use paper straws, paper and cellotape.


Our science topic this half term is sound.  We have learnt about vibrations and how sounds can travel to your ear.  We tested out string telephones, ear gongs, made our own panpipes and also made amplifiers.


We all enjoyed taking part in the Christmas production this year. 

Take a look at our Christmas jumpers!  

Year 4 enjoyed their Christmas dinner!


In Science, we have been busy learning all about electricity.  We discovered how to construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers.  

We designed our own torches and created them using plastic bottles and a simple circuit.  We then created switches from cardboard, two split pins and a paper clip to use within our circuits.


In year 4, we have designed and created clay pots in the style of the Anglo Saxons.  We then evaluated our creations and suggested improvements.

Shopping for toys

In French this term we have learnt the French words for toys and we have been discussing how euros are used in France and not pounds.  These pictures show Year 4 using this knowledge to go shopping.  We used phrases such as "Je voudrais" (I would like) and "C'est combien?" (How much is it?) as well as "si'il vous plait" (please) and "merci" (thank you).  The customers  used plastic euros to purchase toys from the shopkeepers and enjoyed going from shop to shop.


During our PSHE lessons this term, we have created posters to promote team work.  We all demonstrated how to work best as a team, whilst creating these.

What do you think you need to make a good team?


In English, we have been reading 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.  We have enjoyed creating conscience alleys to develop our understanding of Hogarth (one of the main characters) as well as exploring characters through drama.

September 2022 Welcome to year 4!

The children have all settled in well to life in year 4.