k-12 pipeline

Wilder Elementary Outreach

4th Grade Physics Day April 2019

This was a Physics STEM outreach program that our 8th grade students collaborated on and planned for the 4th graders at Wilder Elementary. The Wilder Elementary point of contact was Ms. Thelma Reed. The STEM activities that our 8th graders facilitated included magnet cars, gummy bear osmosis, balloon rockets, and gliders. The 4th grade teachers were impressed with our students and asked if we could do it again next year after spring break. We are currently working with USC-Sumter to bring this to all the 4th graders in the district in April 2020. It will be located at USC-Sumter.

Wilder Physics Day 2019.mp4

Wilder Elementary Family STEM Night April 2019

Bates Middle School was invited to participate in our feeder school's (Wilder Elementary) Family STEM Night in April 2019. Wilder Elementary had activity tables set up for students and families to travel to at will. Bates teachers and student STEM Ambassadors participated by facilitating the following standards based activities: wind tube with whirly bird and parachutes, hot air balloons and launcher demonstration, Band/Orchestra/Chorus small group performances, robotics demonstrations, and Medical Detectives Health screening.

Planning: Wilder Family STEM Night
Copy of Standards Wilder Family STEM Night

2018 Wilder Outreach