Student Engagement Survey Data

The AdvancED Student Engagement Survey is issued in the Spring of each year beginning in 2018. The quality of student engagement comprises three key domains. The first is behavioral engagement which measures observable actions or participation while at school exhibited by a student’s positive conduct, effort, and participation. The second is cognitive engagement which includes a student’s investment in school and learning. The third is emotional engagement which includes a student’s feelings toward school, learning, teachers, and peers. The results for 2018-2019 for “Student Level of Engagement in School” increased from 57.8% for the 2017-2018 school year to 68.3%. We also experienced gains in all three domains of student engagement. The Behavioral Domain increased from 67.5% for 2017-2018 to 71.4% for 2018-2019. The Cognitive Domain scores increased from 46.9% for 2017-2018 to 65.1% for 2018-2019. The Emotional Domain increased from 59.1% for 2017-2018 to 68.3% for 2018-2019.

2019 South Carolina Student Engagement Survey Results

2018 South Carolina Student Engagement Survey Results

2018-19 South Carolina Middle School Student Engagement Survey for Accountability_PDFReport_2019-10-01T17_00.pdf
2018-19 South Carolina Middle School Student Engagement Survey for Accountability_DisaggregatedReport_2019-05-21-11-00-18-045.pdf