Spanish 4


Spanish 4 Course Description: This course aims to help students acquire communications skills at the intermediate-high level in both oral and written Spanish through the interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational modes. 

Unit 1: Sentir y vivir

Big Ideas: Course Objectives / Content Statement(s) 

In this first unit, students will develop communicative skills to describe various aspects of their social life such as relationships with family and friends. They will read an article about sentimental relationships and dating in other parts of the world. And finally, they will also read an article about the importance of close family or friendship circles to overcome life's changes such as immigration. 

Unit 2: Vivir en la ciudad

Big Ideas: Course Objectives / Content Statement(s)

In this unit, students will develop communicative skills to describe modern-day life in a city with its advantages and challenges. Most people in Latin America live in big cities and we will explore some of those cities in Latin America and look at how locals experience daily life.

Unit 3: La influencia de los medios de comunicación y la tecnología

Big Ideas: Course Objectives / Content Statement(s) 

In this unit students will develop communicative skills to compare and contrast traditional methods of communications versus social media. The Internet provides information and it also influences public opinion and our interpretation of reality. We will also look at the concept of privacy in the era of social media. 

Unit 4: Generaciones en movimiento

Big Ideas: Course Objectives / Content Statement(s) 

In this unit, students will develop communicative skills to analyze how cultures may evolve, or refused, to evolve through time and how traditions are passed down from generation to generation. New ideas by young people give strength and new light and meaning to the traditions and culture of their families and communities.

Unit 5: El medio ambiente y las riquezas naturales

Big Ideas: Course Objectives / Content Statement(s)

In this unit, students will develop communicative skills to explore the natural resources of Latin America and Spain and look at the relationship between humans and their environment. We will look at some environmental problems communities face today and research solutions that take into account the culture of those communities.


Required materials:


Presentational writing and speaking: 30%

Interpretative listening and reading: 30%

Interpersonal speaking (pair or groups) and writing (letters, postcards, emails): 30%

Homework and class performance: 10%

10% late penalty applied to each assignment done late.  If the assignment is turned ONE week or more AFTER the due date students will receive HALF CREDIT for the assignment. If it is not turned in at all assignments will receive a 0.

Students should communicate with me if they know they will have a problem meeting a deadline.



*Observe all rules in the student handbook.


¡Gracias por tu cooperación!

Rubrics used for grading:

Copy of WL Department Rubrics