AP Spanish Literature and Culture

Email: svicente@summit.k12.nj.us

Descripción del curso en español, haz click aquí.

Course description:

The AP Spanish Literature and Culture course, which is conducted exclusively in Spanish, is an introductory course to the study of Peninsular Spanish, Latin American, and U.S. Hispanic literature written in Spanish from the 14th century to the present day. This class will enable students to successfully complete the AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exam. Not only do we study the literature, but also the fascinating history and cultures of the Hispanic world connected to the six AP Spanish literature themes, which are: las relaciones interpersonales; la construcción del género; las sociedades en contacto; el tiempo y el espacio; la dualidad del ser; and la creación literaria. All these themes overlap throughout the course and there is an emphasis on establishing contextual connections among them and the literary works. 

Students learn literary terminology and literary analysis techniques and approaches for examining different genres (prose, essays, poetry, and drama), movements, and time periods, learning to contextualize literature in relation to history, geography, and evolving cultural products, practices, and perspectives, often augmenting their literary analysis through the lens of art and film. Lessons are designed to enhance students’ ability to acquire knowledge about and skills to identify and interpret figures of speech, tone, characters, themes, rhetorical devices, and literary symbols through the required course readings while strengthening their analytical and interpretative skills. 

Students will study 38 required texts in the AP Spanish Literature and Culture course:

(“Miré los muros de la patria mía”)

During the first semester students read medieval, Golden Age, and 19th-century authors, followed by the study of 20th- and 21st-century authors during the second semester. Although the primary focus is on the time period during which the works were written, students also establish and discuss thematic and other connections between the works currently being read and literary selections read previously from earlier time periods. 

Exam Day May 10, 2024


I will accept late work up to 1 week after the due date with a 10% late penalty. After 1 week you will only receive 50% credit for the assignment. If it is not turned in at all, the assignment will receive a 0.


Other Resources:

Required materials:



*Observe all rules in the student handbook.


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