Sra. Vicente



New Jersey Standard Certificate: Teacher of Spanish K—12. 

Teacher at Summit High School since September 2014

Advisor of Unión Hispana and Hearts and Hands Club

Teacher access:

Email: (Please allow 24 hours for response)

Office between rooms 220-222

Phone: 908-273-1494 ext. 7174

Extra help provided during lunch on B, C and D days, and after school by appointment. Send me an email to set up an appointment.

Dear parents/guardians,

Welcome to my website. I look forward to a wonderful and productive year with my students. On this site you will find a description of the course and its units of study along with the required materials for the class and the grading system. Please feel free to send me an email at any time this year if you would like to discuss the progress of your student in my class. 


Silvia Vicente

Queridos padres/tutores:

Bienvenidos a mi sitio web. Espero un año maravilloso y productivo con mis estudiantes. En este sitio encontrará una breve descripción del curso con los materiales necesarios para la clase y el sistema de calificación. No duden en enviarme un correo electrónico en cualquier momento de este año si desea hablar sobre el progreso de su estudiante en mi clase. 


Silvia Vicente

Welcome to room 220!

Videos to motivate you to learn another language: