Mrs. Kuhn

Mrs. Kuhn


Hello everyone and welcome to my page. Here you will find additional activities and resources to use while we are riding this out, and come back to school sharp and ready to get back into the swing of things when this is all over.

Once you have started with your elearning next week, I will be sending you all emails telling you when I am going to want you to video conference with the class. If you have not already installed Zoom on your iPads, please do so before Monday, March 30. It should be located in your Manager app.

I will be making video conference calls to each class at least twice a week. If you need help with something and require my assistance, you can shoot me an email and I will conference with you individually as much as I can.

I know your teachers are assigning work in Google Classroom, but here are some other things you can do.....

This site has Language Arts and Math activities that you can do to keep your brains sharp. It is free, so why not check it out?

This one has entire sets of lessons that you can use to keep your skills sharp. Again, it's free, so why not take a break from the screen and exercise your brain a bit?

These are by grade level and include science. Again - guess what?- FREE!

I hope you will all take the time to do some work to keep your brains sharp for our return to school. Having said that, I hope you are all staying home, and staying healthy. The better we do following the quarantine guidelines, the sooner this will be over and we can go back to normal.

Hope to see you soon!

Mrs. Kuhn