
The Pacific Ocean is a wonderful place full of many rare species like giant manta rays and oceanic whitetip sharks. But, this ocean is being threatened from overfishing! Overfishing is ¨catching too many fish at once, so the breeding population becomes too depleted to recover.¨ (edf.org) Edf.org also says, ¨Poor fishing management is the primary cause. Around the world, many fisheries are governed by rules that make the problem worse, or have no rules at all.¨  Without good management, our fisheries face collapse and we will have a food problem.(conservation.org)

Conservation.org states," Increased demand for coastal fish species in the Pacific Islands fuels overfishing, which in turn threatens local food security, livelihoods and ecosystems. Climate change is compounding the problem by lowering harvests from coral reef fisheries.¨ An estimated 39% of the fishes in the Pacific Ocean suffer  from overfishing.(facts.net) According to earth.org, ¨Between 51 and 167 billion farmed fishes as well as 250 to 600 billion crustaceans were killed for food in 2017 alone.¨ Just imagine how many fish have been killed for food by now!