how we can help them  

So, what should we do to save the leatherback sea turtles?  Well, you can donate to the WWF- World Wildlife Foundation. How does this organization help? Well, WWF will help clean up the oceans along with helping re nesting sea turtles eggs and save them from trash and litter in the ocean. According to WWF, ¨these turtles have been critically endangered for many reasons and we can help.¨ Okay so what are some ways we could fix this? One great thing you should do is to stop littering and make sure to recycle. If everyone in the US stopped recycling, the leatherbacks population would be thousands more! (oliverridleyproject). Okay so what's another way we can fix this well if we want more turtles to survive? When  The next  hatching season starts, just turn off your lights from 7:00-6:00 according to wild I hope together we can save the turtles.