Problems faced

 So you might be asking what's the big problem here? Well the ocean is becoming more dangerous and dangerous everyday. People litter and it ends up in the ocean and the sea turtles and many other animals get stuck in it, chew it and it can kill them. The leatherback sea turtle population has had a significant downfall in the past year according to  ( Also the plastics and chemicals in our litter is like a poison and the leatherbacks tend to mistake it for jellyfish.  Now the population has gone down to 2,300 adult females left  (/ 

      Did you know another big problem with sea turtles is lights? I know it sounds weird, but yes, it's true. According to,¨ when babies are born lights tend to distract them and make them believe that that is the ocean.¨ Once this happens animals such as seagulls, racoons and other animals grab them and take them as food.¨ Because of this 1,000 out of 10,000 would have survived.(