Mountain Gorillas 

  Did you know that, according to, gorillas are the largest type of primate in the world? Crazy, right?! Well, according to, “Gorillas can grow up to 4-6 feet in height!” On the website it says that gorillas share 98.3% of their DNA with humans so they look alot like us. They have big stomachs and foreheads and have brownish - black colored hair. also tells us, “Gorillas usually eat stems, bamboo shoots and fruit yet some kinds also eat insects.” The fact I like the most is, gorillas can weigh up to 440 pounds!(

This is crazy and MIND - BLOWING! Isn’t it amazing that mountain gorillas can eat all day long?( According to, these hungry mountain gorillas live in forests atop the mountains in Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Gorillas can live in families of 2 up to 20 climbing the highest trees. According to infants stay with their mothers for 2-3 years before they become independent for some time and then join a family. These families protect them from their only predator; the leopard. Safety in numbers!(