How They are endangered

How do humans benefit from the region? In Uganda 41%of  people live in poverty and almost half of Uganda population is under the age of 15. What makes it special? a variety of tributesmake this destination special and nice to travel to. How is it threatened people could be trying to trash it and it could be threatened. This makes me feel like people don't appreciate their surroundings. What might happen if it is destroyed? Animals might be unhealthy eating trash and the people that live there could be starving and they don't have food to eat and water to drink. How would you feel if your state or country got distorted in a war or a natural disaster? Thankfully Water For People started working in Uganda in 2008. We began our work by learning about the population’s water and sanitation needs and building relationships with local government and the private sector.[] What is one specific thing that is being done to help? Water and sanitation are essential for life and health, but they are also essential for dignity, empowerment, and prosperity. Water and sanitation are human rights, fundamental to every child and adult. But in Uganda, poor sanitation and hygiene, as well as unequal access to safe drinking water, make thousands of children very sick and at risk of death.[] How/why is this helpful? So that people wouldn't be sick or hurt with no food or water. If u want to help Uganda you could go to Uganda donation. How would you feel if Uganda was destroyed and unhealthy for humans to live there in Uganda. there are lots of other ways you can help Uganda by keeping it clean donating food water and money to keep it the 13th most beautiful country in Africa. If we all work together we can help the country of Uganda to stay healthy and beautiful.

Sadly, there are only 1,063 mountain gorillas left in the wild. ( That’s about 1/8,000,000 of the population of humans on earth. The website says that gorillas are dying for humans are cutting down the forests that the gorillas live in thus resulting in habitat loss. According to, if gorillas were extinct because of such reasons, “The natural food chain would be disrupted as leopards would have less food and vegetation would overgrow.” Don’t you think that this is very sad? The whole forest ecosystem up in the mountains would get destroyed if these 1063 gorillas disappear.