
This video introduces you to Mountain Gorillas.

Did you know Uganda is one of Africa's most densely populated countries? (affcaduk.org) BuzzFeed reviewed Uganda as the 13th most beautiful country on Earth. Uganda 

has two rainy seasons per year. (climateknowledgeportal.worldbank.org) Uganda has lots of mountains, including Mount Stanley and Tororo Rock. My favorite fact about Uganda is that they have “tree-climbing lions which have adapted to escape the heat and avoid insect bites.” (affcaduk.org)

Isn't it amazing that the Uganda mountains are filled with different animals, including mountain gorillas? What predators live there? Predators like lions, leopards, cheetahs, and much more but the most dangerous predator in Uganda is the Nile Crocodile (Medium.com). Prey like honey badgers, serval, caracal, and jackals get eaten. Some animals use camouflage, speed, and hiding and jumping skills to escape predators.