Foundations of Art

the way my work shows my learning strengths and weaknesses is because it shows how sometimes I really want to learn and work and sometimes I fall off track and get unmotivated to do work. from the start of the year to know I have changed from art to motivation, at the start of the year I really had no interest in art and as the year progressed my love for art increased and I became interest in my art.

my most challenging project had to be scratch board because I had to find the right shades and the exact scraping as my picture. my picture had a lot of scraping to do so this was probably my hardest project yet this year. the project I am most proud of would have to be my duck stamp this was also my favorite project because I really stepped up in this project and tried my hardest putting about 8 hours of solid work into this duck stamp which even if it didn't come out as the best duck I really enjoyed making this art project.

my biggest goal for the summer when coming to the art is trying out more artistic photography because I don't feel like full art is my passion but I defentily want to keep going with something that can include art