
We need a protocol for students, and something that can even be used with adults. We want to make it so that at a certain point students don't even need the teacher's help anymore, and they can run it on their own. The hope is that these acts of racist behavior stops completely.

We will also need to do something different with adults, due to the fact that they may be more difficult to educate, because if they do have biases which everyone has and adults have grown up with these biases which are ingrained in their brains, so it would be more difficult to take control of these biases and get rid of them.

In case of any sexist, racist, or any other offensive comment towards anyone we want the class to hold a quick restorative justice (like 5-10 minutes), where a discussion happens and a heartfelt apology letter is written. The students in the class should engage, and ask questions about the "why" in detail, so the wrongdoer understands the mistake in their ways.


For this certain we want to implement a certain type of restorative justice circle called a "Real Justice Circle". This type of circle consists of the offender, the offender's supporter, the victim and the victim's supporter. Similar to real-life court room. We would also have people in the class take sides, and decide who was in the wrong, and come up with a consequence. The consequence would be something like writing an apology letter reflecting on why what they did was wrong and other things like that.

  1. Event is reported to the teacher

  2. They set up a circle, where one person is in the center (like a judge) and leads things.

  3. The circle facilitator asks questions to both sides of the conflict, where only those four people would speak.

  4. Once the main talk is finished, other people can discuss.

  5. Finally, possible consequences will be brainstormed.

  6. A vote will take place, and whatever has the most votes would be the consequence.