How this can be incorporated into the curriculum...

Racism and social injustices are still happening everyday. In school we are taught about how the oppression of people of color and women are all in the past, leading to many people believing that racism isn't a problem anymore. It still is a problem, but it is done much more discreetly than it has in the twentieth century. People of color, lgbtq+ people, and other minorities are fighting to not be treated any differently than anyone else.

In elementary schools all the subjects are taught by one teacher, which may make it easier to make time to teach this. In elementary schools things are taught because they need to be taught. Elementary schools where we start habits, some we keep, and some we don't keep. We learn basics in elementary school and it starts to shape us into the people we are today. Not everyone stays the same, but some do stay the same.

We think that when things like the Civil Right's movement and Women's Right's are taught, teachers should also teach how it relates to movements happening today, and to show that some fights still haven't ended.

Next, we have the protocols on what to do in case of an offensive comment.