Sexism in the Medical Field

Sexism through the years

Without a doubt women have fought hard for centuries and centuries. We have had to fight for the right to vote, even over our own reproductive rights. Yet we still fight for jobs and equal pay, over the years we have gained some equality never the less we still fight to this day, only now we fright something else. There have been crazy stories of what happens in hospitals, ER's and OR. Yet these are stories that will never compare to the tragedy and horror these patients went through, as we dig deep into the truth of the Medical Field.

Reasons why some women couldn't get their tubes tied:

Tubal ligation — also known as having your tubes tied or tubal sterilization — is a type of permanent birth control. During tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to permanently prevent pregnancy. *Mayo Clinic*

There are countless stories of women and why they had such a hard time getting their tubes tied. Here are only some of way to many stories of women who had to fight so hard get their tubes tied, in the end some failed.

"My OBGYN just said if I want my tubes tied electively then my husbands signature is also required on the release form. I asked her if that was a law, she said it's not but it's their policy. My face has been stuck like this for 15 minutes. I'm fucking pissed " - Holli Resists

This was a story of a woman who was told it was the "clinic's policy" to have the husband's signature to be able to get her tubes tied. It is awful to have to get permission for someone to allow you to do what you want to your body. If her husband would not have signed that paper, she would not have gotten her tubes tied. She would have risked having a child she clearly does not want.

“Mine straight told me it was illegal because of my age,” wrote one woman, “I was 31, my husband was in treatment for thyroid cancer, and we were done having kids.”

This should not have happened, if they husband wanted to get a vasectomy they wife would not have to sign anything, he would just walk right in and get the procedure done without hesitation. So why is it that this woman was denied a hysterectomy because it was "illegal" she was an adult who knew exactly what she wanted and already had children, she clearly did not want any more.

“My OBGYN denied me a hysterectomy for my endometriosis on the basis I may want children, with a man, in the future. My wife was in the seat next to me. This is not unusual. This is what it’s like for women.”

Her OBGYN told her she may want kids in the future with a man. Her wife has to sit through this, this couple does not want children hence going to tae clinic to get this procedure done. She was denied a hysterectomy because she did not have any sort of consent from a man, the OBYN's justification was "she might want kids". This woman is clearly in pain with this disorder that she will live with this condition for years.

A same-sex couple was told they still needed a male's consent, which they were outraged at.

In conclusion, women are still dealing with issues everyday due to gender bias, this needs to stop we can all changed and set our differences and biases aside. We need to work together and solve this world problem.