Drawing Tutorials

Evidence of Work

My Process

Each week, we would be assigned to complete drawing tutorials from a video series that teaches us how to draw. For each video, we would take notes on the content and sketch and draw what we saw in the video. There were multiple weeks of these tutorials, and now we have an entire collection of drawings that we can show off. Each of the notes and sketches for all of the drawing tutorials are shown below.

The Drawings

Technical Drawings - Video #4

Technical Drawings - Video #5

Technical Drawings - Videos #5 and #6

Technical Drawings - Videos #6 and #7

Technical Drawings - Video #8

Technical Drawings II - Video #9

Technical Drawings II - Video #9 (and notes)

Technical Drawings II - Video #10 (and notes)

Technical Drawings II - Video #10

Technical Drawings II - Video #11 (and notes)

Technical Drawings II - Videos #11 and #12 (and notes)

Technical Drawings II - Videos #12 and #13 (and notes)

Technical Drawings II - Video #13

Orthographic Drawings - Video #14

Orthographic Drawings - Videos #14 and #15

Orthographic Drawings - Video #15

Orthographic Drawings - Video #15

Orthographic Drawings - Video #16

Orthographic Drawings - Videos #16 and #17

Orthographic Drawings - Videos #18 and #19

Orthographic Drawings - Orthographic 6.1

Orthographic Drawings - Orthographics 6.2 and 6.3

Orthographic Drawings - Orthographics 6.3 and 6.4

Orthographic Drawings - Orthographic Quiz

Perspective Drawings - Video #20

Perspective Drawings - Videos #20 and #21

Perspective Drawings - Videos #21 and #22

Perspective Drawings - Videos #22 and #23

Perspective Drawings - Video #23

Perspective Drawings - Assignment 1

Perspective Drawings - Assignment 2

Complex Two-Point Perspective - Video #24

Complex Two-Point Perspective - Videos #24 and #25

Complex Two-Point Perspective - Video #25

Complex Two-Point Perspective - Video #26

Complex Two-Point Perspective - Video #27

Rectangular Planes with Centers - Video #28

Rectangular Planes with Centers - Videos #28 and #29

Rectangular Planes with Centers - Video #29

Rectangular Planes with Centers - Video #29

Curved Surfaces - Video #30

Curved Surfaces - Video #31

Curved Surfaces - Videos #31 and #32

Curved Surfaces - Videos #31 and #32

Curved Surfaces - Video #33

First Product Design Sketch - Video #34 and Assignment

First Product Design Sketch - Assignment

First Product Design Sketch - Video #35

First Product Design Sketch - Video #35

First Product Design Sketch - Assignment

First Product Design Sketch - Assignment

First Product Design Sketch - Assignment

Line Weight and Shadow - Video #36

Line Weight and Shadow - Video #36

Line Weight and Shadow - Video #37

Line Weight and Shadow - Video #37

Line Weight and Shadow - Video #38

Line Weight and Shadow - Video #38

Line Weight and Shadow - Video #39

Line Weight and Shadow - Video #39

Line Weight and Shadow - Assignment 1

Line Weight and Shadow - Assignment 1

Line Weight and Shadow - Assignment 2

Vignette Lines and Product Design - Video #40

Vignette Lines and Product Design - Videos #40 and #41

Vignette Lines and Product Design - Videos #41 and #42

Vignette Lines and Product Design - Videos #42 and #43

Vignette Lines and Product Design - Video #43

Vignette Lines and Product Design - Assignment 2

Vignette Lines and Product Design - Assignment 2

Sketch and Pringle and Utensils - Video #44

Sketch a Pringle and Utensils - Videos #45 and #46

Sketch a Pringle and Utensils - Video #46

Sketch a Pringle and Utensils - Video #46

Sketch a Pringle and Utensils - Video #46

The Video Notes

Video Notes - #4, #5, and #6

Video Notes - #6, #7, and #8

Video Notes - #14, #15, and #16

Video Notes - #16, #17, #18, and #19

Video Notes - #20, #21, and #22

Video Notes - #22 and #23

Video Notes - #24, #25, #26, and #27

Video Notes - #28 and #29

Video Notes - #30, #31, and #32

Video Notes - #33

Video Notes - #34 and #35

Video Notes - #36 and #37

Video Notes - #38 and #39

Video Notes - #40, #41, and #42

Video Notes - #42 and #43

Video Notes - #44, #45, and #46

Video Notes - #46


Center Line - The line that cuts through the center of a plane, surface, or form.

Contour Line - A line on a map joining points of equal height above or below sea level.

Explanatory Sketch - communicates certain aspects (relationships, moving parts, etc.).

Exploratory Sketch - visualizes thinking; full of many ideas.

Foreshortening - An optical illusion that causes objects that are farther from us to appear smaller to our eyes than objects closer to us.

Ghost Line - A very light and provisional line sketched lightly on paper or screen to help demarcate edges, center lines, surfaces, planes, and contours.

Horizon Line - The line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.

Hatch Line - One of the primary line types used in sketching as infill to suggest shade and shadow.

Idea Fixation - Easy to unintentionally recreate solutions we have seen but maybe not acknowledged.

Isometric Projection - A projection method used to represent three-dimensional objects and spaces; in isometric projection, lines parallel remain parallel unlike the converging lines of perspective.

Orthographic - A method of projection in which objects or spaces are depicted or a topographic surface is mapped using parallel lines to project its shape onto a flat plane.

Outline - A line and/or curve used to enclose a flat shape or three-dimensional form; a silhouette is a filled outline.

Perspective - A technique that gives the illusion of spatial depth, or perspective, to drawings and paintings.

Picture Plane - In perspective, the imaginary plane corresponding to the surface of a picture, perpendicular to the viewer’s line of sight; the picture plane can be thought of as a glass window on which could be sketched the outside world on the opposite side of the glass.

Projection - The process of sketching lines back to vanishing points to recreate the illusion of a three-dimensional image on the flat sheet of paper; an actor is trained to project his or her voice into a room to be heard in the back seats.

Shade - The relative darkness (or coolness) caused by shelter from direct sunlight; in sketching, shading occurs on surfaces directly out of line with the sun or light source.

Tangent - A straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a specific point while never intersecting with the curve or curved surface; tangent points are transitions between lines and curves that appear seamless.

Vanishing Point - The point on the picture plane to which all projection lines converge on the horizon.

Vantage Point - The particular angle from which an object or space is viewed; related to the point of view or view point and station point.

Vertex - A point where two or more curves, lines, or edges meet.

Vignette - A frame sketched in such a way as to appear behind a sketched object or product; the vignette works to provide a depth cue in a design sketch.


Overall, over the course of the semester, I feel like my drawing and sketching skills improved immensely from these tutorials and they have definitely allowed me to grow and see improvement. Two things that I think went well were my critical thinking and my conscientious learning skills. For critical thinking, I was able to adapt and change how I drew and I kept working on sketching objects, even if it meant that I was working for a long time. I persevered and didn't give up while also allowing myself to grow. I also think I did well with a large part of my conscientious learning skills. I worked hard to complete every assignment to its fullest and I made sure that all work was turned in on time every week.

On the other hand, I think that I lacked in some other aspects of my conscientious learning skills and a little bit in my communication skills as well. For conscientious learning, I often procrastinated doing the work, and would put it off until later. While everything was turned in on time in the end, I could have been more productive by doing the work earlier. For my communication skills, there were a few different times throughout the semester where we had drawing assignments that I was confused on. Instead of asking anyone for clarification, I tried to do what I thought was correct, but ended up having to redo them in the end before turning the assignments in after I realized they were incorrect. This could have been resolved if I had asked someone for clarification on what to do.

Overall, I think that I learned a lot from completing the drawing tutorials, and I can definitely say that I allowed my skills to grow with them.