Step 5+

Our Goal

Our goal for Step 5 was to produce a working prototype to present on STEM Night and coordinate a cohesive way to present it. First, we had to finalize the set-up of our breadboard. To do so, we ended up removing the aspect of the Arduino all together to reduce the complexity of the wiring system. This way, we could control the two motors directly from the push of the button on the breadboard, and the power from the batteries went fully to the motors instead of having to also power the Arduino. Though this reduced our ability to control the speed of the motors, it gave us a quick way to produce a working system for our display. In the future, we would probably develop a more complex system with the Arduino and utilize motor controllers to distribute the power from our batteries more effectively. Additionally, we created a slideshow presentation to enhance our display and explain some of our developmental process. We also produced business cards and pins to pass out to promote our company. 

During this period we also created a Design Defense Report for our project, which summarizes the majority of the work my team has completed on this prototype. It details a lot of our different design choices and alternative methods of producing this device as we developed the best possible solution. Also included are some results from our survey and tests we ran on our device, in addition to what we've taken away from the process as a group of engineers. 

Evidence of Work

Poster for STEM Senior Night:

CLAB Poster

Design Defense Report of Our Process:

CLAB - Design Defense Report

Motor test for Prototype:

CLAB Capstone Prototype Test - Lab Report

Presentation of Our Project:

CLAB - Design Defense Presentation

Our Business Card:

c.l.a.b. business card.pdf

Our Flyer:

clab project flyer.pdf

Image of our prototype uncovered on display at STEM Presentation Night:


Rotational Speed (Hz) - The frequency of rotation of an object around an axis. Calculated the rotational speed of our weighted and non-weighted massage pieces by dividing their revolutions by the time they spun. We found that both pieces rotated at similar speeds, but the weighted ones withstood more pressure and continued spinning for longer after the force was removed. 

Revolutions - The complete cycle of an object around a point. We recorded the revolutions of the massage pieces to calculate their speed using a slow-motion video and tape on one of the arms. 

Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) - Condition resulting in overuse of the muscles and tendons around the elbow in the forearm. The exterior carpi radialis brevis is the tendon most affected by this condition, and it is the tendon we aimed to massage in our device. 

Circuits - Allows electric current to flow through a path using electrical components. Our circuit utilized batteries as the power source, a breadboard to connect everything, copper wires to direct the current, a button as the input to signal to the motors, and the motors as the output of the circuit. Originally, we tested an arduino to make a more complex program, but we found we would need a different way to power it without burning it up considering mini arduinos can only take up to 3 volts and our motors required 9-12. In the presentation, we opted to remove the arduino component altogether to only power the on/off button on the breadboard, power bank, and motors together for a simple design that did not require us to purchase more pieces like a motor driver or additional resistors. Future plans include the arduino to allow more customizability for the user on the speeds of the motor. 

Motors - Device to change a form of electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce motion. We utilized two direct current (DC) motors to spin our massage pieces and produce the main function of our prototype. 


The Capstone Project with my team allowed me to utilize a lot of the skills that I've been developing in my four years in the STEM program. It tested my ability to communicate, both within my team and outward to potential clients, investors, and mentors. I grew comfortable asking for help with anything I didn't understand or lacked experience in, which for this project was a large portion of the manufacturing of the prototype. Additionally, the capstone challenged me to explore these unfamiliar areas of design and think critically about each step of the process. As a group, we created several variations of the design before specializing our attention on one singular idea, which allowed me to be creative when working out the logistics of everything. 

Some skills I´ve been developing throughout this project and still have room to improve in are wiring circuitry and programming. Although I did learn a good basis on how to create a path for the electric current and direct it, I do still feel like I can learn more applications of circuitry. The same is true for the actual coding of these components. Despite my background in computer science from the class I am taking this year, applying these skills to a physical model is a bit different than what we focus on in class, so I do think I could use more practice with that. Overall, this project felt pretty successful as we went through the full engineering design cycle and created something brand new without any experience.