Step 4

Our Goal

For Design Step 4, our group was really focusing on the construction of our prototype and developing its subsystems. First, we had to resew one of the motors into the same sleeve as the other one after we changed our design setup last week. Then, we redesigned the 3D pieces (again) to be hollow, so that we could fill them with metal balls that will provide the massagers with more weight to give the users a better massage. We then glued the pieces to the axle of the motors to reduce the energy lost to friction from the cloth when it's pressed to the arm of a client. We are currently working on the code for our device and wiring the breadboard, arduino, motors, and battery pack together. 

Evidence of Work

CLAB - Life Cycle Assessment Report

This is an assessment on our product and how it will affect the environment.

CLAB - Detailed Experiments/Tests plan and set-up

This document explains the tests we plan to run on our motor mechanism to obtain data for the massage the device gives. 

This sketch shows the orientation of the different layers of our product and how it will look with the wiring and breadboards. 

Image of our circuitry so far (in progress).

Image of our first test recording  the speed of the massager under pressure.


Step Four for my capstone group went reasonably well. I feel like we definitely made the most progress on our project during this time as we get closer and closer to the deadline. Before this point we hadn't fully conceptualized how everything would fit together on the arm with respect to the user of the device, but now we've solidified the design. With the addition of a hard outer shell, we problem solved to protect the circuitry in our prototype and make it more durable. Additionally, our conscientious learning was developed during this time as we met with our mentor who helped us think about the wiring of the unit and explore some alternatives for the dual motor system, like the possibility of an in line motor driver or resistors. 

One area our group can still improve on is work ethic outside of class, considering how much work we still have to do with the electronics of our system. This week we can all spend some more time developing the program and using simulators to make sure our product will work in class. Additionally, I can work on my own conscientious learning with some of the individual assignments that I have yet to complete due to my focus on AP tests recently. I can do this by spending time each night working towards completing the things that I've missed out on.