Gwen Kwong '21

Staff Photographer

Gwen is an immaculate member of the Hilltopper, even if she just joined, she has more than made up her late start by all the amazing pictures seen below. However, I do believe that Gwen is a CIA agent.

  1. She knows a lot about the world. She speaks Cantonese and has dual citizenship in Canada. Secret mission in China and Canada??

  2. She knows how to sew. From sewing people's wounds???

  3. She is really good at taking action shots, as seen below. Stakeout surveillance???

  4. Her favorite classes are gov, spanish, and calc. If I had to pick three classes that SCREAMED CIA agent it would be those three.

If you worry that you have committed a crime and will therefore be caught by Gwen's immaculate CIA abilities, you should know that her favorite food is pizza sticks. I've probably said too much.

Gwen's Photos:

Cross Country vs. Natick

Boys' Soccer vs. Wellesley

Girls Soccer vs. Wellesley

Field Hockey vs. Brookline

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