Erin Walker '21

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Column Editor:

Erin Walker knows how to kick a ball, but shouldn't be your go to girl for hand coordination because that is ~not allowed~ in soccer. Actually, she also plays basketball, and, therefore, can be counted on for both foot and hand coordination, if needed. However, if you show up for a game and have a bumpy ponytail...WATCH OUT...after window screens and cleaning (relatable), bumpy ponytails are Erin's numero uno pet peeve. She also loves the ocean, thinks sharks are overrated, is amazed when she gets tan lines in the summer, her favorite footwear is flip-flops, and "enjoys wearing goggles" (which is exactly the kind of things an undercover shark in a human body would say...). A true hardo who we know, love, and appreciate, and the fearless leader of our many columnists.

QUESTION (to check your understanding of Erin): Is Erin tall or short?ANSWER: short (haha 5'5'' loser, jk thats not that short), but multiple sources close to Walker report she does give off very tall vibes, and thus if you were paying attention, you would have answered tall, if you answered short you should deeply reevaluate your reading comprehension abilities. Another one of Erin's pet peeves is when people say they have the right answer but it's wrong, and that's you right now, embarrassing.

Erin's Articles:

How COVID-19 Is Threatening Your High School Sport, and What You Can Do About It

Chalk it Up 2020

New Rochelle Interview

New Field House