Hot Take: Jack and the Door

By Hadas Duchin

Published March 7th

Ever since the movie’s debut in 1997, Titanic has been a source of controversy and online debate regarding one particular scene. If you have never seen the movie, be warned that spoilers are ahead. Toward the end of the movie, when the Titanic is sinking, the main characters, Jack (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (played by Kate Winslet), wind up in the cold, dark ocean. Without a lifeboat, the two stumble upon a floating door in the ocean. In the scene, Rose is lying on the door while Jack is in the water, where he ultimately dies from the cold. For many, this scene has caused quite a bit of commotion as it would appear that the door was wide enough for both Jack and Rose to fit on and ultimately be rescued, as Rose was  later on. Since the characters, while based on real people, were fictional, many Titanic fans were outraged at the murder of Jack. 

So the question is then begged, could Jack have fit on the door and his life spared?

This question caused so much online commotion that the director of the movie, James Cameron, spoke up about the topic. With so much debate, Cameron conducted a thorough investigation to determine whether Jack could have not only fit on the door, but also survived. One must remember that even if Jack and Rose could fit onto the door, that wouldn’t necessarily guarantee survival. This claim is backed by the results of Cameron’s investigation. To come to this conclusion, Cameron took two stunt doubles that had the same body mass as Winslet and DiCaprio and connected them to sensors as they were placed in ice water. Through various methods and experiments, Cameron came to the conclusion that while they both could have fit, having two people on the door would have caused the door to either sink or for one of them to sink.

Some argue that Jack could have stayed  on the door long enough for help to arrive. However, considering that there were too many dangerous variables and unknowns, including hypothermia and the unpredictabilities of the sea, Cameron argues that this scenario was highly unlikely. Additionally, MythBusters, a television program  that aims to debunk myths, aired an episode in 2013 that showed that if Jack had taken both his lifejacket and Rose’s and tied the under the door to increase buoyancy the two could have survived. However, once again, Cameron argues that realistically, in 28-degree water with hypothermia already starting to occur in the body, Jack would not have taken off his life jacket and the jacket of the woman he loved, arguably the difference between life and death for the two of them, and have gone under the water to somehow tie two jackets onto a door. Cameron argues that the whole process would have taken at least 5-10 minutes which would have been too long for Jack to survive in the freezing cold water, and he ultimately would have died. 

Kate Winslet also spoke out on this subject in December of 2022. The actress believed that while Jack could have fit on the door, ultimately “ [the door] would have tipped ... and it would not have been a sustainable idea. So you heard it here for the first time: Yes, he could have fit on that door, but it would not have stayed afloat." This follows the message that Cameron asserts in his investigation that while Jack could have fit on the door, he knew it would have been risky and, “... his thought process was, ‘I’m not going to do one thing that jeopardizes her (survival),’ and that’s 100% in character [for Jack].”

As Cameron says, “It’s like Romeo and Juliet. It’s a movie about love and sacrifice and mortality. The love is measured by the sacrifice.” Jack needed to die for the movie to have its full effect and convey to the audience the love Jack had for Rose and the extreme sacrifices he was willing to take to ensure the safety of the person he loved. Additionally, the movie would not have been as dramatic if they both had survived. It probably would have evoked fewer tears, but would it have left such an imprint on society and the movie industry without the death of Jack? 

Therefore, this reporter concludes that while Jack could have fit on the door, he would not have survived, and he would have jeopardized Rose's survival.