SAMD Presents the Addams Family!

By Lily Katz

Published October 28th, 2022

This weekend, Needham High School’s SAMD (Students Acting to Make a Difference) will be putting on a production of The Addams Family! SAMD is a student-led theater company that produces a full scale musical every fall, with the goal of collaborating with and raising money for a different nonprofit organization each year. This year, the club chose to raise money for Circle of Hope. They have locations throughout the Boston area, including one in Needham. Circle of Hope’s mission is to provide support for those experiencing homelessness, as they partner with various homeless shelters, clinics, and other community programs to provide clothing, hygiene essentials, and other necessities. In the wake of the pandemic, they have also focused on disease prevention in homeless shelters. The proceeds from ticket sales go directly to supporting this beneficial and critical organization.

The Addams Family, directed by Amber Crossman, will be performed at Newman Elementary School on Friday, October 28th and Saturday, October 29th at 7pm and October 30th at 2pm. This ghoulish take on the classic TV show is the perfect production for this upcoming Halloweekend, so be sure to get your tickets linked here, or at the door!

The cast and crew of the Addams Family worked together to create Dignity Kits for Circle of Hope; bags of toiletries and clothing items that will provide individuals experiencing homelessness with warmth and better health this season. This nonprofit, located right on Highland Ave, is doing such important work to serve the community in the wake of such a difficult time, and more information on how to help can be found here.

The cast and crew of The Addams Family have worked so hard to make this show a blast, and we cannot wait for you all to see it!