Top 10 Things NHS Students Want to Change At School

By Emily Flanagan

Published January 5th

Ah, the new year. A time of resolutions that are sure to be forgotten by January. But this year, the Hilltopper has decided to go in a different direction with resolutions. Needham High, we have some resolutions for you!

Here are the top ten things students would like to change about NHS:


Sooo true. While I understand the importance of health education, it seems excessive to have four years of it instead of having more time to pursue our individual interests. This is especially interesting because we do not require four years of language, science, math, or history -- all subjects that could be considered ‘more intellectually important.’

  1. More appreciation and funding for the music department

Seriously! Every member of the music department is so talented! And the music program brought four gold medals to NHS last year, which is pretty awesome.

  1. The whole structure of the building

I know we can’t change the building itself, but seriously, what are those floor numbers?

  1. The attendance policy

I would comment further on this, but I genuinely don’t understand how it works.

  1. Bring back the old half day schedule!

PLEASE can we do this? Five classes in four hours without homeroom is simply too much.


On the same note, can we have homeroom on Fridays, too?

  1. For The Hilltopper to write an article about Powderpuff!

Okay, only one person said this needs to happen, but I second it.

  1. Fluorescent lighting in classrooms

Such bright lights should not put us all to sleep so easily. I don’t know how that happens.

  1. More flexibility in course schedule to take classes that interest you!

See above, with my responses about wellness. This is so important!

  1. The fact that we have to go

Ha, funny. Who knows, maybe if NHS follows through with these resolutions, everyone would be a lot happier to get to school every day. Happy 2023!