By Evie Lockwood-Mullaney

Published April 1st

Has anyone ever really done the math? 

A lot of people don’t know this, but a daily Dunkin' iced coffee before school can cost you more than you think. Let’s break it down.

So, let’s say it’s four dollars each time you get an iced coffee. Maybe it’s more, but it probably balances out over time if you use rewards/cash which means you didn’t actually spend money/your parents credit card/your friend’s account and don’t pay them back. And then let’s say you do that maybe 5 days a week. That's $38 a week just on iced coffee. 

And let’s double that, just for fun- maybe there was sales tax, or you had to spot a friend that day, or you added a bagel if you went to Cafe Fresh instead (their cups look cooler). That “little morning pick-me-up” is now costing you about $104 a week. 

But the problem lies in the fact that many people keep up this habit over every week of school, for their entire high school (and maybe even college) careers. $104 a week multiplied by maybe 40 weeks in the year is over $6,000 on the year. Let’s multiply that by 4, to acknowledge the caffeine addiction you’ve had since you were fourteen. Your "harmless" one-coffee-a day habit has turned into the equivalent of having a mild gambling addiction or a large horse, at $32,497. 

You could buy a one-and-a-half-bath in Needham with that kind of money (not a house with two bathrooms, only one that has a shower. Literally just a bathtub and another half of a bathtub. Not the bottom half. So it wouldn’t work anyway. You don’t get to pick the half). 

Ok, fine, maybe I’m exaggerating a little. Let’s cut that number in half and see if it seems more realistic. 

$48,000. You financially irresponsible person. 

But in all seriousness, you’re fine. Everyone needs a li'l treat for cramming (or skimming) your notes the night before. 
