Needham High Traffic

by Sophia D’Amelio

Published October 14th, 2021

This year is a new experience for everyone. First-years, sophomores, and juniors have never had a “normal” year of school, and it has been three years since the seniors have had a full year of maskless school as well. Being back full time, no longer doing remote or hybrid learning, and having the entire student body leaving their classes at the same time can lead to many struggles.

One major issue is that many people are annoyed by and frustrated with the amount of traffic in the halls in-between classes. People do not seem to know where they are going, and if they do, they cannot move because other people are blocking their way. The clumps of people in the halls cause quite the disturbance, especially when people walk on the wrong side of the hallways. This is not Europe; people should be walking on the right side of the hallway and not walking against the current of students.

It is understandable if you did not know where to go within the first week or so, but we are now in the third week of school. Underclassmen seem to be having the hardest time with this issue and to help them there are signs posted all over the building explaining where to go. Even so, I still overhear people saying that they are in the wrong room or even the wrong floor. If you need help, just ask! It is better than walking around and being in the way of other students who need to get to their next class.

Speaking of getting to classes on time, the amount of time in between classes was shortened from ten minutes to five in the past year; however, in my mind, this change does not make sense. If the students in the building were cut to less than half their normal size last year, the extra time is understandable only because there were one-way hallways and stairwells. This year, however, the number of students in the building has returned to normal, but passing time was shortened. As a junior, I do not remember much about the traffic in the halls when I was a first-year student, but I do know that it was never as clumped as it is now. Maybe it is because so many students do not know their way around due to the past few years with covid limiting the way we move around the building, but even so, I strongly believe that for students to get to their classes before the bell, ten minute passing periods should be brought back. I and others have been getting to class right before or right as the bell rings, which is problematic because we are setting ourselves up for the class when it is supposed to be starting already. When students are not prepared to learn at the ring of the bell, it can lead to being behind and, further down the line, bad grades.

Overall, this experience is new for all students in the building and it is necessary to help one another if you see people are struggling. That being said, if you are struggling, ask for help or look at the signs so you know where to go. Furthermore, walk on the right side of the halls and if the traffic does not let up later in the year, it may be necessary to increase the passing time between classes so students are prepared and ready to learn when the bell rings.