The Spooky Season Decor

by Hadas Duchin

Published November 27th, 2021

As the leaves are changing colors and the days are getting colder, the town of Needham is once again getting ready for the spooky season. Every year, Needham begins the annual decorating season for one of the scarier holidays: Halloween. Here are some of The Hilltopper’s top picks of the scariest Halloween decorations around town.

First up, this house, which looks as though it is a crime scene. In all of the windows facing the street are shadows of people and what appears to be red paint (or blood) with phrases such as “help me” or “save us.” When talking to the owner of the house, he says he would like to give all the credit to his wife, who apparently takes Halloween very seriously.

Next up is this lovely decor which consists of a mini-horror house which leads up to the porch of the actual house at which you can trick or treat. Along with the creepy figures and long, winding maze, this house also added in smoke, and also received bonus points for playing scary songs on some speakers. According to some trick or treaters, “This house was the best one yet!”

Another very popular theme seen around town this year has been inflatable ghosts. They have been spotted in all shapes, sizes and colors and all create the same eerie effect. Some, as shown below, flash their colors, while others can even speak. While spider webs, which seemed to be a big deal last year, have had a supply shortage, it seems as though inflatable ghosts have been the perfect solution and replacement.

Another apparent crowd favorite this year has been skeletons. Some are actually buried in the ground, which give the scary illusion of the dead coming back to life. Some skeletons have been spotted hanging from trees or leaning against houses. Either way, the skeletons never fail to add to the scariness of Halloween.

All in all, this reporter concludes that for this Halloween, Needham has really brought it! The whole town looked spooky on the eve of October 31st, so continue to be on the lookout for awesome decorations all over town!