The Meaning Behind “2enior2”

by Owen Woo

Published November 27th, 2021

Recently, an anonymous member of the student body reported seeing a mysterious message on one of the cars in the student parking lot. The message, consisting of a seemingly random series of numbers and letters reads “2enior2.” Early Thursday morning I went to investigate the anonymous tippers report on my own -- what I found was truly shocking.

After a look around the parking lot, I noticed several cars sporting this enigmatic sequence. It was official, this was not just some teen that was feeling spontaneous, but something that ran much deeper than that. I was puzzled, but I did what any good journalist would do and continued to analyze the strange occurrence. I approached the window of one of the inscribed cars where someone was visibly sitting and tapped on the glass. A tall blonde teen looked up from his phone and rolled down the window. I asked the teen what “2enior2” meant; abruptly, he rolled up his window. “Strange,” I thought to myself as I approached two girls as they began walking into the building -- their car also engraved with “2enior2.” I gently asked the pair what the meaning of this seemingly incoherent word plastered on their car’s back windshield was. I received no response but for laughter. They then simply walked away, and I was still left puzzled.

As I entered the High School, my mind raced. This could only be the markings of some sort of secret organization or cult, I thought to myself. I spent hours trying to decrypt this code, but I could not figure it out. Later, I was walking out of the school when suddenly a guy in green bumped into me and made me drop my pencil. I bent down to pick up the pencil, and when I looked up, I saw the man in green getting into a car with the 2enior2 markings in it. At that moment, it dawned on me... What did the blonde teen, the pair of girls, and the man in green all have in common? They are all a part of 13th year of high school, Field praising cult. Previously, I had seen all of them on the field with several hundred other members dressed in brightly colored outfits; they seemed to be taking part in some sort of cultish activities.. In this 2enior2 cult it is apparent that they appease some sort of God they call “Field”; they dress up in bright colors to separate themselves from the non-believers, thus making their community more selective.

If you have any more information on this mysterious cult, please contact