Seniors Claim Workloads are “Too Light”

by Jack Stein

Published November, 2021

Since the start of this school year, the general consensus about workload among seniors has been consistent: there just isn’t that much to do. When asked about her stress during what is typically a daunting Senior fall, Jennifer Sternly, a senior at Needham High, replied, “I just don’t feel challenged enough. I feel like teachers are going easy on us this year and I just can’t stand it. I’m taking seven AP classes, in 14 clubs, and in three sports, and yet I get home and just don’t have anything to do!”

A recent poll of the seniors at Needham High School found that 96% of them are suffering from the same problem as Jennifer: extreme boredom due to a lack of assignments. The reason for this deficiency? Teachers are trying to give students extra time to work on college applications.

“I understand that many students are applying to so many competitive colleges this year, and I wanted to ease up on unnecessary homework to give them the best chance at wherever they want to go,” remarked Ms. Packo, an AP Literature teacher for two senior classes. “I really care for these kids and I want to support them in any way I can.” Every single student in Ms. Packo’s class, however, despises that she gives no work.

“I finished all of my college work in July,” reported one student. I just need something to pass the time, but whenever I spend time on Netflix or Tik Tok, I can feel my brain rotting. The best solution to my boredom would be to write a couple of research papers, read a few books, and get some exciting busywork done within the next few days, y’know?”

Students’ complaints are falling upon deaf ears, but there is rising excitement among the seniors that the workload will pick up after early applications are due.