The Hilltopper Publishes Too Many Photo Journals

By Evie Lockwood Mullaney

Published May 2022

Too. Many. Photo. Journals.

It’s madness.

Every single week, another one- another “Needham Varsity _____ vs. Weymouth Recap”, another “Best Photos from the Snow Day!”, another Officer Rocket update. Where does it end?

The insanity has gone too far. Needham High students are physically drowning in the number of photo journals getting pushed out. Poor Ms. Ofer in the main office has to send out an email every two hours reminding students that a new edition of the Hilltopper is out. How do these articles get turned out so fast? The Hilltopper staff is otherworldly.

Once I was walking in the hallway, and I heard someone say under their breath, “My god. There’s another one.” It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were talking about. The photo journals have gone too far.

I heard someone say that the Hilltopper staff all have the camera as their most-used app. Sometimes their times are upwards of 5 hours a day, because they constantly take pictures of everything.

I heard someone say that every time a new edition is pitched, they have to fight for who publishes the photo journals. And the people who lose publish them anyway.

Needham High students live in fear of being “caught lackin,” having their groutfits taken out of context and posted on the class of 2023 instagram, or God forbid, having their illegal parking job broadcasted on “the gram” for all to see. What do these things all have in common? Photography. Photos. Much like the Watergate scandal, this author is pleading for the student body to follow the metaphorical money and see that at the root of this evil? The Hilltopper and their sick obsession with photo journals.

I heard they were even close to being featured on that TV show, “My Strange Addiction” because the Needham community got so worried about the relentless stream of photos, photos, always more photos.

I humbly beg Needham High and the Hilltopper staff to stop the journals. For their sake. For everyone’s sake. Please. It’s gone on too long.


A frightened martyr