Fruits and Their Personalities

By Emma Zhang

Published May 2022

Strawberries, mangoes, bananas, oh my! When you are cutting your fruit or simply just eating them, have you ever talked with them? Have you ever had in-depth conversations with them? Well, I have. I have turned into a therapist for the different fruits in my refrigerator, questioning and helping them sort their emotions out at one o’clock in the morning. I am here today, to help you understand each of the fruit's personalities and their hardships, hopefully, better educating you on the inanimate objects living in your fridge.

First up, strawberries. Now all strawberries, more or less, love the color pink. They see the world in rose-colored glasses. They are friendly and caring, but if you insult one of them, you better sleep with one eye open. Keep an eye out for SEEDLNER. (That was terrible I’m sorry). Their favorite song is Strawberry Fields Forever and when they listen to it, they’re in their strawberry feels. (I’m sorry for that too).

Second, mangoes. Now, all mangoes are all chill. Not like pick-me-girl chill, but they really could not care about anything. They are super lazy but they will have the best playlists on Mango-fy. They are introverts until you get really close with them and then they open up. Oh, also all of them are really good dancers and love to brag about it.

Third, Bananas. Now, all bananas like to wear blouses and skinny jeans. They love to comment on other peoples body odor and give out hand lotion to anyone with crusty hands. They won’t hesitate to bully you if you say you support abortions.

Now, you might or might not have noticed, but I have been referring to all of the fruits when I talk about their characteristics: how ALL strawberries love Strawberry Fields Forever, how ALL mangoes are chill, and how ALL bananas don’t support abortions. Yes, I am generalizing a group and that’s not right of me. I know that not all strawberries like that song, I know that some mangoes care too much about everything, and I know that some bananas support abortions. Now you might be wondering, then why are you being so general about this? You should stop putting these groups into categories when you know they are not all the same.

My purpose of talking about the fruits was to try to replicate what goes on in today’s society. Many people are placed into social boxes because of what they look like, their race, their religion, and so many other factors. I know you have heard how all tall people play basketball, how all Asians are super successful and smart, and how all black people are dangerous. No matter how big or small these assumptions are, all of them are contributing to an extremely toxic and harmful society.

After all, it is human nature to match different things with one another. For example, thinking that because someone wearing designer clothing is probably rich is just one of the many connections someone can make in their lifetime.

Humans develop and grow up by making connections with what is going on around them. There are many games for babies that work by putting the colors or shapes together.

As kids grow up, they start to observe the outside world. They see how flowers die and grow when the seasons change so they know when the flowers bloom every year. Maybe they get stung by a bee and because it hurts so much, they develop a fear towards all bees. They might have heard that someone was kidnapped at night time so they never go out at night again for their own safety.

Now, I know that everyone is going to make guesses about the things they see around them; no one is perfect. What you can try to do, is to broaden your mind and experiences. As stupid as it sounds, expect the unexpected. This way you can try to not put different groups into specific categories because you saw one person/animal in a specific group do something. Everyone can try to become a better person and try to expand their knowledge of this society to try to make everyone's lives better.