Fashionista of the Month: Orli Kadar

by Amelie Zosa

Published March 2022

Orli Kadar is an eye-catching first-year and fashionista of the month nominee who I was so excited to interview this February! Orli has such a unique and bright style. It was a pleasure to interview her!

What inspires your everyday outfits?

I usually think of what I want to wear the night before. Sometimes I’m inspired by getting a new piece of clothing or rediscovering an old piece, but most of the time I just like to come up with new combinations of clothes.

How do you incorporate hair and makeup into your outfits?

I think my makeup is definitely a big part of my fashion sense. I feel like it’s also become part of my morning routine, and it’s nice to have another little creative outlet to start my day with.

The balaclava trend: yes or no?

Balaclavas are a no for me. It’s not that I think they don’t look cool, I’ve just seen a lot of stories of women who wear hijab being told to remove their hijabs or having them forcibly removed because they were mistaken for balaclavas. So I just don’t want to contribute to that.

What is your favorite piece of clothing or accessory you had as a child?

I had these light up sketchers that I loved when I was a kid. They had rhinestones on the toes that would light up when you step. Unfortunately, my kindergarten teacher told me I couldn’t wear them to school anymore because they would be distracting.

Who is your favorite fashionista/fashion inspo?

I think growing up seeing my savtas and bubbes [grandmothers] wearing big, chunky jewelry and bright patterns has definitely influenced my fashion sense. I also love, love, love Carla Rockmore and Maud “The Dainty Funk”.

What kinds of clothing or accessories are your favorite to style?

I love outfits with layers. I’m a big supporter of putting a skirt over a pair of jeans, a la Elliot Page in “Juno”.

What parts of clothing are the most important to you/do you think about the most when choosing clothes? (Ex. shape, color, pattern, texture, fit, functionality, etc)

I like to look at clothing and fashion from an artistic perspective. I often keep in mind leading lines and lines of focus, where I want the attention to be drawn to in my outfits, and the silhouette I want to create.

What types of clothing are you the most confident in?

A pair of jeans that fit nicely are the perfect confidence booster in my opinion. They’re hard to come by, but once you find a pair that you like, it’s magical.

What things (besides fashion) are you the most passionate about?

I’m a ballerina, and this will be my 13th year dancing with Charles River Ballet Academy! I’m also very dedicated to visual arts, and I love all things surrealism.

What is your favorite pasta shape?

My favorite pasta shape is couscous. I think it just tastes better than regular pasta.

Thank you so much, Orli, for an amazing interview!

Orli (right) and her friend (left) during the summertime.