The Junior Class: Finals FAQ

By Evie Lockwood Mullaney

Published June 2022

Okay first of all, the only reason why I know the finals schedule this year is because my Spanish teacher posted it on google classroom (shoutout profe por el calendario!!!) and I have to say, I am completely lost. If you all are as confused as I am, I’ve created a Q&A to answer any and all questions you may have. I sincerely hope it helps some people out!!

Q: What is reading time?

A: If I heard Mr. Sicotte correctly when he first announced the schedule, it’s the teachers reminding us how letters are added together to make words, in case people forgot. It was a debilitating issue before they added that precious half hour in.

Q: Are math finals multiple choice?

A: So in theory yes, but we as a class are not that lucky. I’m mentally preparing for a math DBQ and geometry questions.

Q: Are teachers going to stop starting new units now that finals are in two weeks?

A: No. Actually, according to my friend, her math teacher is giving them a quiz on a new unit just four school days before their final! How silly of him.

Q: When does school actually end?

A: Well assuming you go to a traditional four-year college, most people graduate when they’re 22, so probably 2027 unless you take a gap year.

Q: Do we have finals for classes we already had AP tests in?

A: Not for APUSH so personally I have nothing to worry about but I would double check that if you are in an AP class because maybe there is a final which would suck for you!

Q: Are the finals pass/fail?

A: I wish lol

Hope this helps all my readers!