Fashionista of the Month: Hannah Kesselman

By Amelie Zosa

Published June 2022

Hannah Keselman: a senior, an incredible artist, and a fashionista in black. I was so excited to interview her!

What is the most consistent pattern in your outfits? What types of clothing do you wear the most frequently?

I would say that the most consistent pattern in my outfits is the color scheme. I tend to wear only neutral colors, particularly black. What is nice about that is that all of my clothes go together, so I can make a lot of different combinations from the same few items. I think my style is very curated and also very true to who I am. I like to think of it as an eclectic mix of punk rocker and librarian, so I wear a lot of chunky boots, leather jackets, and oversized sweaters.

Describe your go-to outfit combo.

My typical outfit is black mom jeans (cuffed at the bottom, of course), a turtleneck under a t-shirt, and a pair of Doc Martens. I think it is the perfect mix of comfort and ease, while still looking cute!

Mixing metals with jewelry: yes or no?

For me, personally, I don't like mixing metals. I am a silver jewelry girl through and through, but I am always impressed when someone can pull off the mixed looks. And I certainly would never advise anyone else to avoid it, if they enjoy that style.

What is your favorite material to wear?

Lately, I have been really into corduroy. I like fabrics that have a little bit of texture to them.

How has your style changed throughout high school?

I think my style has always been pretty consistent; I have always liked to wear all black and liked a bit of an edge to my look. That being said, I think I have gotten better at making more creative outfits throughout high school. I also feel more comfortable taking more risks, which has allowed me to discover some of my favorite outfits. I also think more consciously about where my clothes are coming from- I buy a lot more second-hand now then I did in 9th grade, so my wardrobe has gotten more sustainable and has more pieces that are timeless, rather than following the trends of the day.

Describe your dream shoe.

Without a doubt, it would have to be some sort of platform boot. I love Docs, I love LAMODA, so I think my dream shoe would probably be a chunky mid-calf boot with a platform heel. I think a black boot with silver or constellations on it would be really cool. I've also always wanted to paint a pair of combat boots, so maybe that would be my dream shoe- something custom.

Does your style change as the weather changes?

I am not a warm weather person, so you really have to pry my long pants and jackets away from me come springtime. I would say that the biggest way my style changes between types of weather is that my summer outfits are less intricate. I also think I dress more feminine in the summer, since I wear more skirts and dresses to stay cool.

Describe your favorite outfit you’ve ever worn to a party/high school dance.

I have two favorite outfits: one because it was very "me," and the other because it was kind of a risk. The first was a black jumpsuit that I wore to my sophomore year homecoming-- it was glittery, with a wide leg and thin straps. It made me feel really confident, which I think should be the goal of all outfits. The second outfit was from this year, and it was a dress that I thrifted. It had a white tulle skirt with an asymmetrical overlay. It was an older dress, and definitely a lot fancier than most school dance outfits, but I thought it was cool.

Hannah (right) wearing her favorite high school dance outfit.

Random: what is your favorite fruit?

Cherries, 100%.

Have you ever been to a concert, musical, or other live performance? If so, what was your favorite one?

I love performances and shows, and I am so glad that concerts have started coming back! I saw Conan Gray in March, and he was great, and I have a few concerts that I am going to this summer. Before the pandemic, I went to a lot of musicals too-- it's basic, but Hamilton still has to be one of the most incredible shows I have seen.

You’re an artist, right?

I am an artist (but only an all right one).

What’s your favorite medium to work with in the visual arts?

If you have seen any of my work around the school, you will know that my favorite mediums are digital drawing, collage, and fine-liner pens. I go for the stylized art forms more than the realistic.

What extracurricular clubs/activities have been the most memorable throughout your high school career?

I have loved all of the activities that I have done in high school-- dance team, Hebrew school, student council, et cetera. I would say that the Student Council was the hardest to say goodbye to. I put a lot of time and effort into it for the last four years and have been able to be a part of some amazing programs and opportunities because of it. Of course, my baby, The NewspapHER, will always be my favorite. Starting from the ground up with Talia Bloom was such an incredible journey, and I am so proud of how much it has grown in these few short years. It was really unlike any other group at the high school, and I am so grateful that so many people found it to be a safe space for them.

Thank you, Hannah!