Advice for First Years

By Aliyah Borskiy

Published June 2022

  1. You will find your way around the school! Yes, it seems intimidating, but there are plenty of people here to guide you.

  2. Friends will not stay the same, but you will find your people! You might come into high school with a lot of friends, but groups can change and shift and there are so many opportunities to find people with the same interests! Don’t stress about it too much.

  3. Choose your classes carefully, do not overload, make sure to find just the right fit. It is easy to say that you can manage all accelerated classes, but doing it is a whole different story, so make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself!

  4. Value your mental health. MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS! School can get very stressful, but remember that no matter what, anything you are going through is valid.

  5. Accept failure; it's inevitable. Sometimes you will not do well, and it will happen-- when it does, it is important to accept that and move on.

  6. Middle school grades are based on participation and completion, and high school is not the same. Simply raising your hand and doing your homework is not a guaranteed A, make sure to study for tests, keep doing your homework but also go above and beyond, make sure to ask clarifying questions when needed and utilize things like x-block and after-school assistance.

  7. Talk to your teachers; they are willing to help. X-block and after school are perfect opportunities to have conversations with your teachers, and your teachers are on your team! They will always help you out.

  8. Manage your time. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.

High school seems intimidating and you are all probably nervous but just know there are so many people in the building who are here to help you, and everything will be fine!