American Sign Language Club

by Chloe Shigueta

Published December 27th, 2021

During the onset of the pandemic, whenever there was a Covid-19 briefing, there was an American Sign Language (ASL) translator next to the speaker. This was not my first time being exposed to ASL, as my uncle is hard of hearing and has a basic knowledge of the world language. Seeing a signer during Covid-19 briefings, however, intrigued me and motivated me even more to begin learning sign language. After researching statistics of the Deaf and hard of hearing communities, as well as basic signs of ASL, I realized that starting an ASL Club at Needham High would allow others an opportunity to gain more knowledge of this important and often under-appreciated language. Thus, the club was born.

Simply put, the purpose of this club is to spread awareness of the Deaf and hard of hearing community, as well as provide students with an opportunity to learn American Sign Language (ASL) and develop a deeper understanding of ways to help the community.

In meetings, the club explores different signs of ASL, including fingerspelling, emotions, basic greetings, and yes or no questions. Often, there are videos and resources to accompany meeting lessons. Moreover, the ASL Club hopes to introduce signs relevant to current events in order to develop a diverse understanding and appreciation for Deaf and hard of hearing communities. In regards to our meetings, 11th grader Gina Wu commented, “I think the lessons we go over in the club are super important, like learning to sign our names was helpful but also fun!”

Along with expanding ASL to the Needham High and local community, the club is working to pass down knowledge to different generations of students, including children in elementary school. Hands-on activities are often one of the best ways for young kids to learn, so teaching them a language that relies heavily on kinetics and hand motions will be effective. In the future (once it is safe to do in this time of Covid-19 and omicron), the club hopes to partner with an elementary school in order to teach the kids a language that they may not typically be exposed to at such a young age.

Learning American Sign Language is also very beneficial. It is simply exposure to another culture and language, as it broadens horizons and teaches empathy, sensitivity, and understanding of differences. ASL bolsters communication between hearing and Deaf/hard of hearing individuals, allowing a lessening of feelings of isolation for those who have communication disabilities. Furthermore, learning ASL can enhance one's career, as sign language is becoming increasingly relevant, especially in jobs where communication is urgent and critical (doctors, first responders, etc).

You do not have to have any knowledge of ASL if you join this club; it is a learning experience for all :) Our goal is simply to raise a better awareness, understanding, and appreciation for the Deaf and hard of hearing community, as well as bridge the gap between hearing and non-hearing individuals.

If you are interested in joining, feel free to email or join the ASL Club’s Google Classroom (code: ozmeiox)!