The Layout of NHS is Superior

by Emily Flanagan

Published April 1st, 2022

I remember only too well how I felt walking into NHS as a student for the first time. Immediately, I looked at the welcoming, fluorescent-lit hallways and thought, “This makes perfect sense.” As I navigated the school for the first time (with the help of an upside-down map), I held my head high with the confidence that I could never get lost. 200s, 400s, 700s? It didn’t matter. No matter the floors (each of which is easy to find and makes complete sense), I am the perfect guide to anyone who needs to find the 100s.

Here’s why the layout of NHS is simply superior:

  1. The floor numbers make so much sense. Why would we ever count in numerical order? No, going from 200 to 400 to 700 makes much more sense.

  2. When in doubt, add a hallway. Because the 450s and 750s are on the way to the 600s and 800s, respectively. So obviously, a separate wing that no one ever told you about as a ninth grader is the perfect way to go.

  3. 500s? Never heard of them.

  4. Apparently the cafeteria is the only 300s room? Logical.

  5. The 400s and 600s are on the same floor. Why? Because calling it all the 400s would just be too confusing.

  6. The 800s are on the same floor as the 700s and above the 800s (but not the 700s) are the 900s.

  7. The 100s can only be accessed by the two staircases that face the football field. I’m sure there’s a good reason for that… right?

On my very first day of high school, I already felt confident enough to give tours of the school. And anyone I tried to give directions to would surely understand exactly what I meant when I told them to go find the 500s! (pro tip: the 500s are the real name of the pool, accessible only by that one closed-off staircase in the dark corner of the 700s) Because they totally exist.