The Best Places in NHS

by Evie Lockwood-Mullaney

Published April 1st, 2022

When you think “best places in the world,” no one usually thinks of Spain, or Italy, or London, or LA- they think of a different place.

I’ll give you guys a hint.

It has multiple stories not unlike the glassy skyscrapers of New York City. The food court is surrounded by windows so the natural light streams in as you enjoy your gourmet, yet affordable, meal. The desks in the classrooms are always the small, left-handed ones, for your convenience. And as is with any similar marvel of modern architecture, there’s a pool on the roof. You guessed it, reader. I’m talking about Needham High School, and today we’re counting down the top 5 best places in NHS.

5. The Grade Level Office

Our beloved GLO is aptly named, because you really see students light up as soon as they enter the office. Located within smelling distance of the cafeteria, it is not uncommon to catch the scent of fish sticks wafting delicately down the hall as you visit to figure out how many senior year absences keep you from graduating.

4. That one sitting area by the ramp in the 450s

I especially love it when people lay down and put their heads where someone’s feet were twenty minutes ago!

3. The 900s bathrooms

This one isn’t even satire. I just love the 900s bathrooms

2. The B gym

Going to the B gym is really like a tropical vacation- the temperatures are upwards of 70 degrees, you get to go rock climbing, and you get graded on participation! And just like the best tropical vacations, you’re with twenty five random people from your school.

  1. The library

Because who doesn’t love being reminded to scan the QR code? And as my english teacher would say, “how cool is it that we have a librarian named Paige? The only cooler thing would be if her last name was Turner.”