Interview with Nikhil Ahn, president of the new NHS Food Security Club!

By Reina Hneidi

Published May, 2021

  1. For people who are looking to join the NHS Food Security Club, could you provide some background information about the club, what the club does, etc.?

The NHS Food Security Club helps to spread awareness and actively combat food insecurity in our area. As a club, we focus on ways to support those suffering from food insecurity. From organizing our own food drives to creating a club-run food pantry at a Boston school, our club will be dedicated to making a difference in our community.

  1. What inspired the creation of this club, and what are some of the goals that this club hopes to achieve?

Since middle school, I have regularly volunteered at a local food pantry in West Roxbury. Due to the pandemic, food insecurity rates have skyrocketed, making the issue more significant than ever. This inspired me to find a club at the NHS about food insecurity. However, Needham High didn’t already have a club dedicated to this important issue. Thus, this club was founded to allow NHS students to make a difference. Our goal is to complete projects combating food insecurity; this could entail creating our own food drives and pantries, contacting local grocery stores, or partnering with food banks and pantry organizations.

  1. What are the main activities that club members can expect to participate in each meeting? What are some bigger events that the club plans to participate in later this year?

Each meeting, we will focus on a variety of activities surrounding food insecurity. Club members can expect to research specific topics, plan for big events, and spread awareness about food insecurity. Because food insecurity is such a huge issue and there is no other club at NHS dedicated to food insecurity, there are many possible activities that clubs can participate in. Later this year, our club is attempting to create a food pantry at a Boston school. By partnering with Rose’s Bounty, a local food pantry organization, we have opportunities to influence other communities.

  1. What are the benefits of joining this club, in your opinion?

In my opinion, there are countless benefits to joining this club. First, you will be able to learn more about the important issue of food insecurity. Second, you will be able to directly create and participate in big projects. Third, you can gain service hours by volunteering and helping others.

  1. Who is this club open to at NHS?

This club is open to all students at NHS. As long as you are interested and dedicated, our club accepts all new members.

  1. Finally, who should students reach out to if they are interested in joining?

If you are interested in joining our club, please email me at or visit us on Instagram: @nhs.foodsecurityclub