A Look at the Biden-Harris Administration

By Lindsay Hess

Published February 16, 2021

Since the inauguration, members of the Biden-Harris Administration have been hard at work in the White House. Biden has passed a total of twenty-eight executive orders in under a month, seventeen of which he signed on his first day in office. Eighteen out of the twenty-eight orders reverse a policy put in place by the Trump administration, the majority of which regarded immigration, the coronavirus, equity, and the economy. He has also passed several acts regarding climate change, health care, and national security. 

Here is a summary of some important orders Biden has signed so far...

On Covid-19

On Equity

On Immigration

On Climate Change 

In addition to these acts, Biden has also named his cabinet members. Here are the individuals he selected for each position.

We will continue to provide updates on the Biden-Harris Administration in upcoming issues, but if you would like to learn more, visit the official White House website. It is updated daily, and provides more detailed information about Biden’s executive actions and his staff. It is said that a president’s first 100 days in office are his most influential ones, so keep an eye out for what Biden does next!