Evan Arendell: 

Fashionista of the Week

By Nicole Allen

Published: 11/21/19

Nicole Allen/Hilltopper

Appearing at this Saturday’s intense state championship volleyball game, Evan was rocking not only a cropped white toga, but also a delicate gold plated leaf crown which distinguished him from the other toga-wearers and won him the prestigious title of fashionista of the week. 

Each of volleyball’s play-off games has had a theme for their fan section. Usually a “black-out” or “white-out” theme, the state championship game was unofficially deemed “the game of the toga.” The toga-wearing trend, started by the boys’ volleyball team, was a fun twist on the “white-out” theme for the championship game. An anonymous member of the girl’s varsity volleyball team said, “The whole team had heard that they [the boys volleyball team] would be wearing togas, but we didn’t fully believe it until the boys team showed up in the stands,” She also stated, “it was a great energy boost to see their support. ” Consistent supporters of the girls’ volleyball team, the boys’ volleyball team, along with many other students, proudly sported these elegant togas. 

Evan, however, took his toga game to the next level. Cropping his toga, Evan created a haute couture look that proved to be functional and comfortable. The cropped aspect was suitable for climbing bleachers and less material made standing in a hot gymnasium bearable. Like a model for Vogue, Evan accessorized his ensemble with a golden laurel, turning his aesthetic from Socrates to Harry Styles.

He was able to further boost his style with his excellent posing ability for our picture©, in which he gave a double thumbs up- a pose very much in keeping with his excellent style decisions. 

The power of the togas prevailed, seeing as the girls’ volleyball team left the gymnasium as the Massachusetts D1 Girls’ Volleyball State Champs. 

The Hilltopper would like to extend the highly sought after position of Fashionista of The Week to Evan Arendell for revolutionizing and modernizing the classic toga look.