AP testing update

By Nicole Allen

Published February 16, 2021

Last year, many students experienced the dull monotony of online AP Exams. While the shortened online format did lessen the amount of time spent taking exams, the condensing of all of the material into a few open response questions put more pressure on each question. Normally, there would be a multiple choice section to supplement a more robust open response section. With the usual May exam times steadily approaching, what will happen with testing this year? The College Board has recently started to answer that question. 

They released information on the testing schedule and test structure. Here are the main points:

You can check out the schedule here to see exactly when your AP exams would be offered, and what format they will take. 

We’ll see which test administration periods Needham chooses to employ, and see if the College Board throws any surprises our way. However, at the moment, it’s looking as though AP Exams will be much more routine than they were last year.