Throwback to 1957 and Advice for Farmers

by Hilly the Hilltopper

Published: 11/21/19

The NHS Hilltopper is proud to present a re-invented advice column, a tradition from the 1959 newspaper team. The first question is from the 1959 Valentines Day edition of the paper. However, the response is from our advice column team today. The other three questions were supplied by our very own Needham High School students. Thank you for your questions and we hope you find the responses helpful! 

Dear Hilly (Throwback from 1959), 

I used to have two boyfriends. When I tried to date both of them, I lost both of them. How can I get them back? 

Three Wasn’t a Crowd

Here’s a hot tip - don’t cheat. But for real, you need to be honest with both of them and take responsibility for lying to them. If they still want to be with you, you need to make a decision about who you want to be with. If you can’t decide, don’t date either of them. 

Dear Hilly,

I have been so stressed out about grades, so I only sleep 4 hours every night. I know this isn’t healthy, so, how do I get good grades and get a good amount of sleep? 

Stressed and Tired

Finally, a real question. I’ve been in high school since 1957 and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that sleep and good grades are not mutually exclusive. If you’re a procrastinator, thanks for writing, the first step is admitting you have a problem. The next step is solving it. Sometimes, I too, cannot stop listening to the Beatles on the record player. My recommendation is to spread out your workload; choose one night to stay up late and get ahead on assignments. This way you can get a good sleep the following night. Also, try catching up on sleep during the weekend. We hope this helps and thanks for the question-it was definitely a toughie!

Or, the approach that many NHS students take: 

Sleep is for the weak.

Dear Hilly, 

I have been stuck in the lab for the past two weeks, trying to figure out what happens when two different animals mate. My research has been inconclusive, can you tell me what happens when you cross a chicken and a cow?

Very Interested

This is a tough one. I worry you may be the expert in this field more than I. But, I would guess it’s either roast beef or cock-a-doodle-moo. 

Dear Hilly, 

Do pigs have toes? 


STOP SWINING! How do you think pigs would do in the Olympigs without toes! Pigcasso has illustrated this divisive topic of our time in his pigture of pig eating a pigckle. It was painted in shades of mahogany. It was a bit pigculiar but the typigal viewer was quite impressed. However, for some people it was snout their kind of tea. Even sow, some dispigable people have been board by the work of Pigcasso and even gone as far as to cover his paintings in invisible oink. Pigcasso was in fact hospigalized after facing the epigdemic of poisoned pigstachios. Though Pigcasso didn’t appreciate how many pigtied him, his stay in the hospigtal caused many philanthropigs have tried to raise money for the toes of pigs.