Halloween vs. Thanksgiving

By: Nora Guttilla 

Published December 22nd

This time of year there is a constant battle between the greatness of the two holidays of Halloween and Thanksgiving. Some people argue they like dressing up and getting candy more, and some say they would rather be with their family while they feast. October through December is many students' favorite time of the school year for many reasons, one main reason being these two holidays. As the weather gets colder, the holidays pass and school work continues to pile up. A total of five students were surveyed and asked if they preferred Halloween or Thanksgiving. Four out of the five students surveyed preferred Thanksgiving over Halloween, but one person favored Halloween. The top three reasons these students gave as to why they preferred Thanksgiving over Halloween consisted of: seeing extended family they wouldn't normally see, having amazing food, and playing games with family and friends. The reasons stated for Halloween being better than Thanksgiving were watching scary movies and hanging out with friends. Which do you prefer?