How to Join Hilltopper Homeroom

By Lucy Mackey and Julia Most

Published September 22nd

Do you like to write? Enjoy taking photos? Love collaborating with other students? Want to interview students and faculty at NHS? If any or all of those ideas pique your interest, you should come learn more about the Hilltopper: Needham High School’s official student-run newspaper. The Hilltopper meets during x-block and advisory every day. During our meetings we are either brainstorming articles for our upcoming monthly editions, writing and editing those articles, or deciding what Hilltopper merch we want (if you need incentive to join, Hilltopper merch is coming soon…). 

But we also do normal homeroom activities like finishing up homework, chatting, napping, and bothering our advisor Mr. Flaggert. Homeroom is not explicitly for Hilltopper, but it is a great way to spend time collaborating with fellow writers and working on your contributions to the newspaper. It is preferred that club members are a part of the homeroom, but if you can’t make it, that's completely fine as well! It’s easy to contribute to Hilltopper from outside the homeroom. 

Hilltopper articles span a variety of topics. From our monthly columns, such as “Fashionista of the Month”, to our April Fools satire edition, to our student and faculty interviews, and to our school, local, and even global news coverage. Deciding what you want to write about is entirely up to you! And even if writing is not your forte, there is still a place for you with Hilltopper! Hilltopper loves to have photographers to cover sporting games, school events, and other activities. 

If this sounds amazing to you, or you just want to learn more about Hilltopper, please feel free to reach out to our editors-in-chief, Lucy Mackey (lbm241), Julia Most (jam241), or Emily Flannagan (emf251). You can also check out our website by clicking this link! RUSH HILLTOPPER 2023!!!!!!!!!