Marine Science Field Trip

By Eli Kajmo

Published November 3rd

On October 5th, Mr Ayache’s Period A marine biology class went on a field trip to the tidepools of Nantasket beach to search for invasive species. When overturned, numerous rocks were revealed to be sheltering invasive Green Crabs. Many Green Crabs, Sea Snails, and a few Mussels were collected in buckets for the saltwater aquarium that had been set up prior to the trip. After exploring the rocky Nantasket shore and posing for a group photo, the class then rode the bus to a nearby shopping mall to grab some food from the food court. After everybody had something to eat, the bus returned to the high school shortly before the school day ended. The critters and decorative stones and shells were deposited in the aquarium. If you have a minute to spare after school or between classes, head down to the 100’s and watch the crabs scuttle around in their new home.